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Showing posts from November, 2009

Bag No. 2 complete (amazing!)

Can't believe I've finnished two bags now from the 'make friends with the sewing machine' project instigated about 6 months ago. Completing projects has never been my great love mainly because disappointment always sets in somewhere between inspiration and the first stitch. Perseverence paid off with this one and I learnt a lot along the way - such as no need to put all your favourite colours and embellishments in to the one project (yes, believe it or not this is my example of restraint). Also notable exception: stripes. They are welcome anywhere as far as I can see especially as linings.

Inexpensive fun at home.

Todays afternoon fun took the form of: A tent made of lounge cushions for Archie. Extraction of a loose tooth with rusty barbeque tongs by Ruby.

Truly Scary.

Australian's have spent a long time resisting the Hallowe'en thing on the grounds it is too American but, we've finally been worn down, and embraced the traditions. First making these Witchy cup cakes for the kids to decorate and second taking Archie and his friend Nicki from accross the road around our small cul de sac trick or treating (we reversed the trick or treat however by providing the treat ourselves - the witchy cupcakes).