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Showing posts from June, 2010

Catty Confrontation.

Lost temper with Cat. It is just as people say. They care only for themselves. Thought would make feel at home with grand gesture. Got out collection of Italian Vogues and called cat over. She couldn't have cared less! Turned up nose and pushed past me. Could not bite tongue any longer. Said, "That's it. I am making all this effort to get on and you are making none!" She just looked at me coolly and left the room.


Archie's drawings have gone overnight from drawing colourful pets and hapless dinosaurs to sketches of trench warfare. Where's that coming from? Surely if he was needing to express angst in artwork we'd see drawings of playground arguments or a plate of mummy's muffins. Not unarmed civilians being shot by tanks as they climb out of trenches. The air raid looks pretty scary too. When asked he said they were in a different classroom for Indonesian Studies and found an "army picture" under the desk he was at. That day he came home, went straight to his room and whipped up the above two page art extravaganza within fifteen minutes. Army Picture sure made impression.

Cat Bonding.

Cat and Self continue to pass one another in house with polite wariness. Feel, as am host, efforts  to bond with Cat are incumbent on Self. To this end will rent Twilight movies for Cat and Self to watch when others are out tomorrow. Will make morning of it.

Cat Arrives Today.

Cat set to arrive in afternoon. Clear space in laundry for cat bed and buy cat food. Purchase Kit Kat chocolate treat for self. Write short list of rules for Cat to abide by. Include no going in bedrooms and no scratching furniture (please). Laminate and put by cat bed. Start to worry Cat will feel unwelcome. Dash to local  video rental for Garfield 2. Have it playing on television for when Cat arrives. That Bill Murray. Probably best work yet.

Clunk, Roll.

I try not to go on here about the onslaught of colds and flu autumn brings my way. Not because I'm adverse to whinging - on the contrary, I find it lends me a certain charm  - but because it's hard to find a nice photo to go with a post topic like that. (This may soon change. I am currently working on a series of embroideries of the influenza H1N1 virus, aka swine flu). But in the interests of record keeping, which was one of the original intentions of this blog, I just wanted to get it down here that I have only just recovered from a very nasty knee infection from when my partner pushed me down a flight of stairs a few weeks ago. OK, didn't actually push me, I shouldn't say that. More turned the outdoor light off  just as I stepped out for the laundry. Deliberately . OK, not deliberately. Just turned off a light that seemed to be on for no reason. Though the timing did seem suspicious. And...