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Showing posts from November, 2010

Wardrobe Update

It's over a year ago now Ruby and I found this crusty old wardrobe at St Vinnies and decided it was exactly what we were looking for. Okay, it's getting close to two years ago this Easter and the eggs have already begun arriving in the shops. Anyway - here it is...and I LOVE it. It was a smart decision to leave it in the Magic Garage. I doubt I could have done anything like the job the elves did, let alone even finishing the job at all. Let me just say that the photos don't do it justice at all. It's made Ruby's bedroom comolete. BEFORE:


Good news. Archie seems to be enjoying singing time at school. A lovely surprise when he starts singing a song from school, if a little incompletely, at the dinner table in a soft sweet voice. Something about a bit of algae making friends with a bear, lyrics only Ruby decodes. "Do you realise he's singing about a bear that eats his new friend?" she warned me. And yes, if I'm hearing right the Bear does "grow Bulgy" and the "Bulge is Algae" but does it matter? He's singing. He's participating is the point. Not so long ago I took my mum to an assembly where Archie had one of the main non speaking parts as a pirate. Before the main attraction the music teacher struck up a tune on the piano all of which the children seemed to know and sing along to. Except Archie. Who was staring up at the ceiling. "What's wrong?", I whispered to my mother, alarmed. "Why isn't my little boy joining in the singing?" "I don't ...


We've had a few parenting wins in the last few weeks. - Driving Ruby and friend home accross town from band rehearsals with clutch about to give. Limping home in the dark having to restart the car every time gears need changing. Of course the kids loved the drama. "We thought we were going to die!!!" Ruby's's friend gleefully told her mother, having to be picked up from our place where the trip was finally aborted. - Sending Ruby off on the state band tour at 7.30 in the morning  sans trumpet. Daughter's friend's dad (who is chauffering because our car has dodgy clutch) rings up at destination in panic "Missing a trumpet". - Discover later on that father of Ruby's friend has also stopped en route at bakery for danish pastry when  Ruby announces no one has fed her that morning. But this is the best: forgetting to pick up Archie's friend from a party. When Col returned from the party with just Archie, I'm like, "Oh my god, wher...