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Jazz Apple Cafe

Having to make an annoying unscheduled visit to the bank in civic last Friday (to fix up mistake THEY made) was sweetened by the discovery of a new cup cake cafe opened up a couple of door down from the bank. It's called the Jazz Apple Cafe and quite simply the cup cakes are INCREDIBLE. The kids chose Jaffa but I know somehow we will find a way to try them all - particularly keen to try the Jersey caramel and Lemon merangue. So rich Archie couldn't finnish his so I had to step in and do the job for him even though I knew the chocolate would give me a headache.


karenw said…
Ahh, hello - where is my invitation? I think we need to make a date esp seeing as you are not bothering to turn up to school anymore. xx
Jodie said…
Oooh I heard the ad on the radio and thought that sounds like a place to visit! Must go and check it out.. Cute pics!

Jodie xx
Unknown said…
Well Thank You! This is Sharon, the owner of the Jazz Apple Cafe and specialist Cupcake Baker. Someone forwarded me your blog about the Cafe. Thank you so much for your lovely comments - glad you enjoyed the cupcakes.

We now have 35 different flavours on offer - 9 flavours a week to choose from. Also, from 7th November we will be having High Tea on Saturday afternoons. $25 for all you can eat cupcakes & coffee and a live jazz band (bookings essential!)

Hope to see you again soon at the Jazz Apple and once again thanks for your sweet review....... :)
Mia said…
That's OK Sharon, your cupcakes are truly great. Can't wait to come back for more!
Incidently please check out my post "Tryly Scary" for some other cup cakes you might be interested in. I am able to provide these to your shop on a regular basis for a very reasonable price. Watch out for my Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer ones coming soon.... :)
Jessiemo said…
I had triple choc this week. so good. As I discussed going to Weight Watchers.

sufistiblog said…
Hey I went there with Mum, while Teleri and Jesse went to the bank! Yum sugar rush supreme!
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry to say I don't agree with you - I thought the cakes at Jazz Apple were really disappointing. The ones we tried tasted like boxed cake mix - not made from scratch. And the icings were WAY too sweet. I won't be going back
Mia said…
That's sad to hear. I haven't been back there since our first visit but will try it again soon I think - even if just to test out my first impressions. Mind you I am partial to really sweet icing :)
Anonymous said…
I agree with anonsmous, they do taste boxed and very sweet. I was very diapointed. one would think a chef could do better. I should know.

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