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Beach Holiday.

I love this photo from our week in Pambula. It's so beachy and full of sibling love. We did a fair bit of the beach while there and Archie is grown up enough now to let me sleep in. That way I was able to manage much more 'surfing' than would otherwise have been possible. He was especially good the morning of our trip to Magic Mountain in Merrimbula. I know he was absolutely itching to get there but patiently allowed me a good amount of rest to make the most of the day. And so make the most of it we did - water slides, roller coasters (6 goes for Col and Ruby, zero for Archie and I!), mini golf, tobogganing and Grand Prix racing cars. The day went so fast and we were there till closing time. Other highlights from the holiday were a visit from Aunty Lynette, watching 'Meet The Fockers' with the kids and a visit to the 'Lolly Shop' in Merrimbula on the day it rained. Ruby still can't believe Archie chose to spend his money on a rubber ball that came out of one of those vending machines. He's just not into sugar like the rest of us.


sufistiblog said…
I had a fab time too! I will post my photos on FB this weekend. Can't access my old and very outdated blog any more. Time to start a new one?
Mia said…
yes, yes, start a new then!

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