First week of school holidays. I get up and thank Archie for letting mummy sleep in so late. Archie suggests reward for himself - game of badminton for us in the rain but we agree instead to drawing undersea tableaux. Assemble large piece of paper, coloured pencils and sticker book of sea creatures for inspiration. Agree Archie will draw shark with me assigned to humble cowfish. Unfortunately forego discussion on scale and upset erupts when we realise Cowfish is much bigger than shark, not reflecting reality. I explain perspective — that maybe Cowfish is closer to us and shark off in background. Explanation makes thing worse. Shark meant to be major player, capable of eating Cowfish. Explain again principles of perspective. Ruby is laughing. Archie is angry at older sister laughing, after all what is so funny? Send Ruby to bedroom. Agree to begin new undersea tableaux where shark is major player. Careful to check specifications for new Cowfish. Cowfish gets axe. Further clarification reveals my role now more Design Hack as opposed to co - collaborator. Design Hack told what to draw (Weedy Sea Dragon) then to finish colouring in of shark as Archie has tired of that and needs to move on to school of fish the shark will be eating.
Recently we took a trip up to the Westmead Children's Hospital to see the Pediatric Orthopedics specialist and get Archie's Perthes'disease checked. We might have done that at home if his specialist hadn't been in the papers all year for serious surgical negligence, recently suspended, with more news coming out a couple of weeks ago of unethical experimental treatment on a nine year old (seriously, what a creep!). Instead we travelle dto Sydney. We spent Saturday catching a bus down to the Rocks and then the Manly Ferry out to the beach. Not that we swam, maybe not that warm, but t-shirt weather. The biggest blessing though is this: Archie's bone has made a full recovery since diagnosis six years ago. The amount of bone growth in the last 18 months has been astounding with complete regrowth of the femoral head and close on the original shape. I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise given how much he has grown in general (and how much he eats!) but at no po...
I guess it really does not matter.
X David